Tuesday, January 17, 2023


These issues affect me, my friends, and my family in a very serious way. At any point, my phone calls could be wired, my car tacked by the police department, and various amounts of my information are being recorded and tracked by the government and other agencies. I don't want to live in an environment where all of this information can be easily accessed by almost anyone with the knowledge and know-how to do it. With companies like Face.com being acquired by Facebook in 2012, Any one of my family members and or loved ones could be tracked with a simple photo and have their personal information stolen.

I hope that the government would recognize this opinion of the people and respect that by making personal data privacy a standard, but sadly that most likely won't happen via their conflicting want to be able to track anyone, anywhere, anytime. I think all of this information is being abused and it's going to take some serious advocation and change to make the government listen to public opinion.

Some of the most prominent things for me are using products that have built-in security features, blocking any government, or other potential threats to you, from accessing your personal information like phone calls and text messages. We need to advocate for changes, like having this access to our personal deleted but saved for people who are genuine risks to the health and safety of the public people.


Greenwald, G. (n.d.). Why privacy matters. Glenn Greenwald: Why privacy matters | TED Talk. Retrieved February 1, 2023, from https://www.ted.com/talks/glenn_greenwald_why_privacy_matters?language=en

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